A quiet moment of prayer as we begin our long day. Vin Dillon suggested that we pray for our new government and political leaders that the parliament be a contest of ideas, not personalities; that politician hearts be so changed that the needs of the most vulnerable be given priority; and that there be a change of heart towards asylum seekers with justice and compassion our guiding principles.

It's a gloomy misty day, symbolic of our Ignatian reflection this day. We notice and endeavor to name the presence of evil in our lives, both within and without. We are invited to feel the pain and disorder that sin brings when people deliberately choose to bring disorder and chaos into their own and other's lives because of some gross attachment, such as greed, pride, lust or any of the cardinal sins, traces of which are found in us all.
I seek the grace of a deeply felt understanding of the disordered tendencies in my life and the humility to face them and seek freedom from them.

It's a steep climb to the saddle of the mountain;
as it is a steep climb to the peak of self-awareness of disordered tendencies leading to the valley of humility.
Fitzy is elated upon reaching the summit beneath the gentle hum of wind generator towers !

In the high up village of Lapoblacion there followed a welcome rest and some sustenance: however, "one does not live on bread alone"!
We must push on, the road calls the pilgrim forward, there is no going back!
A late lunch in the plaza at Kripan saw us drawn into the village festivities celebrating the Birthday of Our Lady.
Continuing on I reflected on and gave thanks to God for my parents, Gerald & Joan, this day being their wedding anniversary, 8/9/1947.
Memories and emotions flooded my heart as I realized yet again how incredibly blessed I have been in my family. I took time praying with deep gratitude for each of them (we being 9 sisters and brothers, all still fit and healthy.)
Our destination, Logroño, looms.
Looking back to the mountains we crossed.
Concluding a tough 27 kms under the archway of our walking poles!
Love the photo of the triumphant Fitzy! Enjoying the blog; thank you.