Saturday, 7 September 2013

Day 6, Friday Sept 6: Araia - Alda

Today's reflection while walking is: what has been, and what is the purpose of my life? It is an opportunity to deepen "that inner knowledge and inner Saviour" as Ignatius expresses it.



Reaching yet another peak!

And looking back at mountains and valleys! (Symbolically more so!)



The Basque emblem: their 'sunflower'.

Carpets of Safron flowers greet us high in the mountains. This was the beauty through which Ignatius walked and which nourished his desire to see God in all things.

Many shepherds huts along high in the mountains.


A mountain reservoir: one needs living water in climbing mountains.

Back on the plain, rich farmland, harvest just done. What is my harvest from these days?

Wonderful hospitality from Faustino & Mirasol in their enlarged home: not to mention home cooking straight from the surrounding garden.

An emotional farewell with a song of blessing to our intrepid guide, Vermin.

We are now on our own, or are we?

Mass in the little church of Alda, and a welcome from Padre Carlos.

End of day 6.


1 comment:

  1. I'm at Marie's and she is trying to commenting to you. I've had a nice day. Coffee at W'bool then on to Colac. W are praying the pilgrim prayer at our 1pm meal each day so our parish team is united with you all.
