Friday, 27 September 2013

Day 27, Friday 27th September. Castellnou de Seana - Verdu (18km)

We continue our contemplation of the Resurrection, focusing on Mary Magdalene as one of the first witnesses of the Risen Jesus. He speaks her name tenderly whereby her eyes are opened and she recognizes him. In our walking prayer we endeavor to hear him call our name, and pray for that same joy, delight and love that filled Mary of Magdala to overflowing.

Our customary prayer focus and song before setting out from the church plaza.

The morning sun (Son) beckons us as we walk eastwards deep in contemplation. The gospel where we find the Risen Lord breaking through the walls of fear, bringing peace to the frightened disciples invites us to explore the fears that wall each of us in, the fears that paralyze me: I invite the power of the Risen Lord into these spaces, as I also hold in prayer those who accompany me on this pilgrimage with their daily prayer.

A hot air balloon appears in the east, symbolizing the panoramic view of life afforded to those caught up by the power of the Resurrection.


We enter a beavy of orchards with many new plantings: new life abounds as the story of the Resurrection embraces all creation.

Apples abound, many on the ground: the harvest is rich, the labour ears few.

Sandra seeking some shade respite as the heat sets in.

After abundant orchards with little harvest activity, finally some pickers .....

.... who insist we share in the produce!

The energy of the sun is harnessed: likewise we soak up the light of the Son.

An oasis of peace greets weary pilgrims.

Streams of life giving water accompany us along the way: they who drink of this living water will never thirst again.

Lunch time in the plaza sees tractors of all shapes and sizes being assessed for road worthiness.


Vin quenches his thirst on our hottest day yet: 33C+

Replenishing water for the journey.

The Catalan flag flies everywhere: there is a strong push for independence.

It's searingly hot and a rest in the shade of an ancient church is necessary.


Vin plods on in the heat and back into the dry terrain.

Our destination for the day is in sight: what great hopes we have when our pilgrimage of life is over and we await the glory of the resurrection!

We arrive at Verdu, the village where St Peter Claver s.j. was born. They preserve his story with a sanctuary and other remembrances.

Peter Claver ministered in Columbia, South America, to the 10s of thousands of black slaves who were cruelly imported from Africa, treated as animals as they were not believed to have souls. He ministered to them untiringly for 33 years in spite of much opposition and criticism. Read more on his life and ministry in Fr Michael's blog:


Refreshments while awaiting the bus.

Grapes at our meal gifted by a farmer along the way.


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