Thursday, 12 September 2013

Day 11, Wednesday 9/11. Logroño - Alcandre (33kms)

Today is our longest walk yet, and appropriately the grace we ask for is to journey alongside Jesus as his companion and co-laborer.

School is just beginning this week after the summers holidays. I wish to dedicate some of this day to thanking God for our wonderful children at St Mary's School, Hamilton. I carry their prayers with me. Greetings to them all, and many thanks for the prayer support. I feel the love and power of the prayer of Ignatius many are praying with me each day: "Lord, that I may see you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly."

The great River Ebra continues to accompany us as we connect in a stream of prayer, especially for those suffering with cancer, praying that the waters of life refresh them in their exhausting struggle.

Our companion Danni told her story of her long battle with cancer and now this pilgrimage as an outer expression of the challenging inner journey she continues. The group then named many of our family, friends and parishioners whom we would carry in prayer this day. I named Edward, only just diagnosed with cancer, his sister and my good friend, Marg, and our beautiful parish friend, Norma, among others.

We pass so many beautiful market gardens, God's creation in full flower, faithfully tended by the farmers co-creating in his garden.

We are all co-workers, co-creators in God's garden, no matter our weakness or failures, as Ignatius reminds us, "Loved by God just as we are", as he quotes St Paul: "My grace is enough for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."




A well earned coffee break in a little will age with an amazing ancient castle, and Romanesque church.

The end of a very long pilgrimage day, finally reaching our destination with sore feet, blisters, heat rashes, but peaceful hearts born of much contemplation and prayer.


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